Submental Liposuction Procedure

Submental liposuction, also known as chin and neck liposuction, removes extra fat. As with any surgery, excellent health and realistic expectations are essential.

Patients with good skin elasticity can expect their skin to contract after the surgery. Patients with inelastic skin may require Renuvion skin tightening or surgical excision to remove extra skin. After age 50, elasticity is significantly reduced.

The Basics

Simple submental liposuction can be done under a local anesthetic. More extensive liposuction is performed in an outpatient surgical center under IV sedation or general anesthesia when combined with other surgeries.

Several tiny incisions are made under the chin and behind the ears after administering the anesthetic. A thin liposuction device called a cannula is inserted beneath the skin, and the surgeon sculpts the jawline and neck.

Ideal Candidates For Submental Liposuction

Good candidates for chin and neck liposuction:

  • Has a “double chin” due to excess fat cells around the neck
  • Has a strong desire to increase definition in the jawline and create a more youthful appearance
  • Wants to reduce the appearance of wrinkles in the neck
  • Cannot get rid of excess under the chin with diet changes or exercise
  • Is genetically predisposed to a double-chin

Submental Liposuction Procedure

Dr. Cyr employs the VASER ultrasound-assisted liposuction procedure. This involves injecting a dilute solution containing a local anesthetic, saline, and epinephrine into the area where fat is permanently removed. Dr. Cyr then suctioned the unwanted fat away using small specialized suction cannulas introduced through tiny incisions beneath the chin and behind the earlobes.

The VASER machine and a syringe provide the suction required for the operation. An elastic compression neck garment will fit you to assist in minimizing edema and “teaching” your skin to shrink. Submental liposuction is performed as an outpatient surgery that takes approximately one hour. It may be performed under sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the surgery.

What to Expect After Your Submental Liposuction Procedure

Excess liposuction fluid and liquefying fat cells flow from tiny holes in the first 24-48 hours after the operation. For a few weeks, your chin and neck area may be swollen and slightly bruised. Pain is modest a best.

After two weeks, eighty percent of the edema had subsided. The residual edema will go down over the next 2-3 months as your outcomes improve. You may shower the day after surgery.

You will need to wear the compression garment 23 of 24 hours a day for the first week, including to bed. Most people can return to work within a week.

Beginning in week two, you wear the compression garment 12 hours a day for an additional three weeks of compression. Scars will diminish over time and become almost invisible.

Submental Liposuction Recovery

The recovery time following submental liposuction is five to seven days. Patients may have mild bruising and swelling during this period. In most cases, discomfort is minor. Most patients can return to non-strenuous employment on the same day.

Patients who have Renuvion or skin excised may not realize the complete aesthetic results for up to three months. Skin excision will require additional downtime.

Why Is There a Difference Between Kybella and Submental Liposuction?

People of all ages suffer from extra fat beneath the chin and neck area known as the “submental triangle.” In older adults, fullness in this area is accompanied by drooping skin, but for many, the problem is just undesired persistent fat beneath the chin.

People tend to be self-conscious about their “double chin.” Unfortunately, the submental triangle does not respond well to diet and exercise in general, leaving individuals disappointed with their efforts. The excellent news is that there are several treatment options for reshaping the region beneath the chin. Surgery is one option. Kybella injections are a second one.

Kybella Vs. Submental Liposuction

Both Kybella and submental liposuction are designed to remove fat deposits behind the chin, but the similarities end there.

  • Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable therapy that progressively breaks down undesirable fat
  • Submental liposuction is a simple, controlled surgery that physically removes fat through tiny incisions

Let’s look at how the techniques vary.

The Differences Between Kybella and Liposuction | Why it Matters

The primary distinction between Kybella and submental liposuction is that Kybella is a non-surgical injectable therapy, whereas liposuction is a minor surgical procedure.

Some people prefer a non-surgical injectable alternative, and there are some excellent reasons why some people choose surgery.

Gradual vs. Instant

Of course, there are drawbacks and advantages to both methods:

  • Kybella injections take three or more treatments, spaced six weeks apart, for optimal results, and as it works gradually, patients will wait several months to see the full results.
  • Kybella is a non-invasive treatment that causes minimal discomfort, and no anesthetic is required for patient comfort.
  • Kybella permits patients to return to work immediately.
  • Submental liposuction requires fewer office visits, and the results are faster.
  • It does need some downtime, but the results are mainly immediate, except for minor edema after the procedure.
  • Submental liposuction necessitates at least a local anesthetic for patient safety and comfort.

Requirements for Candidates

In general, the eligibility requirements for a non-invasive therapy like Kybella are less stringent than those for surgical treatments, which may limit some potential patients. Before deciding on surgery, it is essential to speak with a cosmetic surgeon familiar with this procedure.

Why are the Treatment Differences Important?

By defining the significant distinctions between the therapies, we provide patients with choices for tailoring treatments to individual requirements.

Speak with at least one physician with related experience to decide which procedure is best for you.

What’s Next?

A consultation is the best method to determine if you are a good candidate for neck and chin (submental) liposuction. Dr. Cyr will meet with you to discuss your objectives and concerns to ensure you receive the outcomes you want. If you’d like to learn more about your options, contact our office today to set up a consultation.