Your Guide to Breast Implant Removal and Recovery Skip to main content

Ever wondered what it’s like to walk a mile in shoes that just don’t fit anymore? That can be the reality for many who’ve undergone breast augmentation, finding themselves years later contemplating breast implant removal. The body we once wanted doesn’t always match the one we grow comfortable with.

It’s not about regret but transformation – another step on your journey. At this juncture, it can be not easy to know which direction to take – yet we are here to help.

We’ll help you navigate these uncharted waters by explaining why some choose to have their implants removed and the potential risks involved. We’ll also provide insights into preparing for surgery and recovery afterward, even exploring options such as combining a lift with removal or considering non-surgical alternatives.

You’re likely experiencing a mix of excitement and apprehension. It’s normal, so take it all in stride!

Table Of Contents:

Understanding Breast Implant Removal

Breast implant removal, or explantation, is a surgical operation to take out or replace implants in the chest. This surgery can be performed for various reasons, such as health complications, changes in aesthetic preferences, or even device malfunction like an implant rupture.

The breast implant removal process begins with a consultation from a certified plastic surgeon who understands your unique needs and concerns. From there, you’ll discuss the best approach to remove your implants while considering factors such as capsular contracture and potential loose skin after removal.

Breast implants are not lifelong devices; they should ideally be exchanged or removed every 10-15 years, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ guidelines. Over time, saline implants may deflate, and silicone ones might leak, causing pain or discomfort that necessitates their removal.

Why People Choose to Remove Their Implants

A substantial amount of women decide to have their implants taken out due to aesthetic reasons. Changes in personal aesthetics over time often lead some individuals towards preferring natural-looking breasts rather than the augmented look offered by the original breast augmentation.

Sometimes, serious health conditions force people into this decision, too. Cases associated with textured implants leading to rare forms of cancer called Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) serve as examples where removing these could potentially save lives.

Potential Risks and Complications

Like any other surgery, implant removal procedures carry risks, including infection at incision sites and adverse reactions to general anesthesia used during the operation. But it’s important not to focus on the negatives – most patients experience great relief post-operation, especially when it helps fix physical ailments caused by old/broken-down implants.

Finally, it’s important to note that Breast Implants: What Patients Need to Know is a helpful resource for those considering this surgery. Understanding the procedure in depth and knowing what to expect can alleviate fears and help make informed decisions about your health.

Key Takeaway: 


Breast implant removal, or explantation, is a surgical procedure due to health issues, aesthetic changes, or device malfunction. It’s vital to consult with a certified plastic surgeon who understands your needs and concerns. Remember that implants aren’t forever—they should ideally be replaced every 10-15 years per the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ guidelines.

Preparing for Your Breast Implant Removal Surgery

If you’re planning to get your breast implants removed, preparation is key. The journey starts with a thorough consultation with a plastic surgeon who specializes in implant removal surgery.

The pre-operative instructions and guidelines given by the healthcare provider are vital for a successful outcome. It’s important to understand what will happen during the procedure, including how the surgeon removes implants, potential risks involved, such as changes in nipple sensation or causing pain, and steps to reduce swelling post-surgery.

Before going under general anesthesia for this operation, there might be questions on whether saline implants pose different challenges compared to textured ones when it comes to removal procedures. Be sure to ask about these concerns and discuss the possibilities of using an en-bloc technique if capsular contracture is present. Cleveland Clinic Policy

Breast Implant Removal Procedure Explained

In most cases of implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), complete implant capsule removal along with the scar tissue around it becomes necessary, which can cause breasts to sag after surgery due to its effect on natural breast tissue.However, sometimes loose skin can tighten over time, improving overall appearance, so don’t lose hope. Ask your doctor about options like surgical bra use following procedure or even combining breast lift together with implant removal – making lemonade out of lemons.

Caring For Incision Sites Post-Procedure

A crucial part of recovery includes caring for incision sites post-procedure; this promotes healing while minimizing scarring risk.
Your healthcare provider may recommend certain skin adhesives or dressings specifically designed to aid healing at the inframammary fold, where typical incisions are made during the process.

Pain Management After Surgery

After your implants are removed, it’s normal to experience discomfort and neck pain. You’ll be given post-operative instructions, including prescription medications or over-the-counter remedies to manage this. Cleveland Clinic Policy

Considerations For Future Breast Appearance

Contemplate the potential appearance of your breasts down the road. The future appearance of your breasts should be taken into account when making this decision.

Key Takeaway: 


Prepping for breast implant removal involves a thorough consultation and understanding of the procedure’s ins and outs. Be sure to ask about all your concerns, including potential risks, post-surgery care of incision sites, pain management options, and future breast appearance. Remember – even if there might be some sagging or loose skin after surgery, numerous techniques can enhance your overall look.

The Procedure Explained

Understanding the breast implant removal procedure is crucial. The steps can vary depending on your circumstances, such as whether you’re experiencing capsular contracture or other complications.

The En Bloc Technique

This method involves removing both the implant and its surrounding capsule. It’s especially beneficial when there are concerns about leakage or implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), a rare form of cancer linked to certain types of implants.

Your surgeon will create incision sites for implant removal, usually in the inframammary fold – where your breasts meet your chest wall – to minimize visible scarring. Once inside, they use precision and care not only to remove but also to prevent the spreading of any potential contamination from a ruptured silicone gel implant or BIA-ALCL cells.

Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture is another concern during breast implant removal surgery. This occurs when scar tissue forms around the implants, causing pain and distortion in shape due to hardening over time.

It may impact how easily an en bloc technique can be performed in severe cases. But don’t worry; skilled plastic surgeons have various methods at their disposal, like capsulectomy, where this hardened scar tissue gets removed separately after first extracting the breast implants themselves.

Remember that while these techniques help improve safety and results for patients undergoing breast implant removal procedures, every case is unique, so discussion with a trusted healthcare provider is vital.

The combination of Breast Implant Removal and Breast Lift

Combining a breast lift with implant removal can work wonders for those seeking to restore their natural bustline. This procedure offers dual benefits: removing implants that might be causing discomfort or health issues while simultaneously addressing sagging breasts due to age, weight loss, or the impact of previously having implants.

A common concern among patients is whether their breasts will sag after implant removal surgery. The truth is it depends on several factors, like skin elasticity and the size of your implants. That’s where a breast lift comes into play.

Benefits of a Breast Lift After Implant Removal

A breast lift following implant removal helps reshape the remaining tissue for an uplifted appearance. It tackles any loose skin left behind post-removal, providing you with firmer and more youthful-looking breasts. In other words, you get rid of what doesn’t serve you anymore (the uncomfortable implants) and enhance what’s already there (your natural bust).

Besides enhancing physical appearance and comfort levels – let’s not forget its positive psychological impacts. Saying goodbye to bothersome symptoms from old implants could also mean welcoming improved self-esteem.

Techniques for Breast Lift Surgery

Your plastic surgeon may employ different techniques depending on your body shape and desired outcomes.

  • The inframammary Fold technique involves incisions along the crease under each breast.
  • The circumareolar method only includes cuts around the areola perimeter – ideal if minimal lifting is required.

No matter which technique is used during this combo procedure, they all aim at restoring a naturally youthful breast appearance.

Although the thought of undergoing surgery again may be intimidating, rest assured that your comfort and well-being are top priority. So let’s lift not just those breasts but also your spirits high. You’re on track for great results with proper care and a skilled healthcare provider.

Key Takeaway: 


Combining a breast lift with implant removal can rejuvenate your natural bustline. This double-benefit procedure removes troublesome implants and tackles sagging, giving you firmer, more youthful-looking breasts. It’s not just about looks but also boosts comfort and self-esteem. Different techniques are used to ensure the best results depending on your body shape and goals.

Recovery and Aftercare Following Breast Implant Removal

Your journey doesn’t end with breast implant removal surgery. Post-operative care is crucial for optimal healing and best results.

Pain Management Post-Surgery

Managing discomfort after surgery can be a challenge, but it’s doable. It’s typical to experience tenderness or aching that could persist for up to six weeks post-surgery.

You’ll likely receive pain medication from your healthcare provider, which should help manage any initial discomfort. Remember, each person’s recovery timeline differs, so don’t rush yourself.

Caring for Incision Sites

Caring properly for your incision sites promotes faster healing and reduces the risk of complications such as infection or excessive scarring.

Avoid touching the area except when necessary – like changing dressings under clean conditions. Be gentle while washing around the site, too; avoid vigorous scrubbing.

  • If you notice redness spreading from an incision site or increasing pain not relieved by prescribed medications, reach out immediately to your plastic surgeon.


  1. Sleeping in an upright position initially can reduce swelling at the surgical sites.
  2. Maintaining a balanced, protein-rich diet aids tissue repair and boosts overall recovery speed.

Post-Operative Appointments: A Must.

Regular follow-ups are important as they allow your surgeon to monitor progress and address concerns promptly.

Remember: open communication with your medical team about anything unusual during recovery leads to quicker fixes.

With proper self-care following breast implant removal surgery, you’ll be back to your routine in no time. Happy healing.

Risks, Complications, and Considerations

Like any surgery, breast implant removal has potential risks. Infections could occur at the incision sites, or excess fluid might build up, causing pain. But remember that a skilled plastic surgeon takes every precaution to reduce these risks.

Breast appearance post-surgery is another consideration. Many fear their breasts will sag after implants are removed. While some degree of loose skin can be expected, techniques like a simultaneous breast lift can help improve shape and contour.

Potential Risks and Complications of Implant Removal

Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is an important risk associated with textured implants. This rare type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma occurs in the scar tissue surrounding the implant, but don’t worry – it’s not breast cancer.

If you’re experiencing symptoms such as persistent swelling or neck pain months after your procedure, promptly contact your healthcare provider for guidance.Capsular contracture – where hard scar tissue forms around the implant – is also possible; however, this issue typically resolves once implants are removed.

The Impact on Breast Appearance and Size

Your chest may look different following an implant removal procedure due to changes in breast tissue volume and elasticity over time. A supplemental breast lift can counteract drooping by removing excess skin while reshaping the remaining tissues for a youthful profile.In some cases, though, natural aging factors mean achieving ‘pre-augmentation’ breasts isn’t always feasible, even with additional procedures.

Emotional Considerations Post-Surgery

Apart from physical transformations, breast implant removal can also bring emotional shifts. You may experience a sense of loss or change in body image post-surgery.These feelings are normal and to be expected. It is essential to communicate these worries with your surgeon or a mental health expert who can give beneficial help during this change.

To wrap things up, choosing to remove breast implants isn’t a decision you should rush. It involves weighing the possible risks and considering how it might change your looks and affect your emotions. But remember, if you pick a skilled plastic surgeon and ensure all details are discussed before surgery, you’re on the right track.

Key Takeaway: 


While breast implant removal has risks like infections and changes in appearance, a skilled surgeon can minimize these. The impact on your look and emotions shouldn’t be rushed into – it’s essential to weigh all considerations carefully. You’re setting yourself up for success with professional help and open discussions before surgery.

Comparing Options and Alternatives to Breast Implant Removal

If you’re pondering taking out your implants, it is essential to be aware of the diverse alternatives accessible. We’ll explore some alternatives as well.

The Pros & Cons of Keeping Your Implants

One option is simply keeping your implants. This decision might be right for those who are still satisfied with their breast appearance or don’t experience any discomfort, such as neck pain from large implants.

However, there can be drawbacks. Over time, breasts sag due to gravity and aging, which may lead to a less youthful look even with the implant in place. Additionally, health concerns like Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA ALCL), although rare, should not be ignored.

Exploring Non-Surgical Alternatives

If surgery seems too daunting, but you want a change, consider non-surgical alternatives. These could include physical therapy for posture correction if your concern concerns back or neck pain caused by heavy implants.

Aesthetic treatments such as external prostheses offer another alternative where no surgical procedure is needed- this helps improve the shape without disturbing the natural tissue underneath.

Breast Lift Post Removal – A Worthwhile Consideration?

To address issues of loose skin post-removal or just naturally occurring sagginess over time, one popular choice among women opting for implant removal is combining it with a breast lift surgery (mastopexy). This procedure helps restore the natural perkiness of your breasts, making them appear more youthful and firm.

Although this option requires an additional surgical process, many women find it worthwhile to achieve a pleasing aesthetic result post-implant removal. It’s always best to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon or healthcare provider to discuss these options thoroughly before making any decisions.

Key Takeaway: 


When considering breast implant removal, knowing your options is key. Keeping the implants might be right for some, but gravity and health concerns can pose issues. Non-surgical alternatives like physical therapy or aesthetic treatments are available, too. Post-removal, a breast lift surgery could help regain perkiness and youthfulness in your breasts.

FAQs about Breast Implant Removal

What happens to your breasts when you remove implants?

After implant removal, your breasts may look smaller and flatter. Sagging or drooping can occur due to the loss of volume.

Do breasts go back to normal after implant removal?

Your breasts won’t exactly return to their pre-implant state. Factors like age, weight change, and pregnancy affect the outcome.

Is it expensive to have breast implants removed?

The cost varies but generally runs from $2k-$7k without insurance. It’s more if you opt for a lift, too.

Will insurance cover my breast implant removal?

In some cases, yes, especially if related to health issues like rupture or capsular contracture. Check with your provider first, though.


So, you’ve journeyed with us through the landscape of breast implant removal. You now know why some choose this path and the potential risks.

You understand how to prepare for surgery and what recovery entails. We also delved into options like combining a lift with your removal or exploring non-surgical alternatives.

In essence, we gave you the map. But remember: every person’s journey is unique – yours included. Be sure to have open conversations with your healthcare provider about all possibilities before making any decisions.

The road may be winding, but it leads to an important destination – comfort in one’s skin. Safe travels!